Do you have confidential information the public needs to know? Mediekritisk Netværk now offers a whistleblower system where you can securely share sensitive details—with guaranteed anonymity. This independent group is dedicated to exposing hidden media agendas and biases. They offer a safe platform for whistleblowers to reveal what happens behind the scenes, shining a light on what others want to keep in the dark. Your information could change everything. Stay anonymous. Stay safe. Report here. I want to clarify that I have received explicit permission to use Pia Bovin’s research and text in my work. Her insights and analysis have been invaluable, and I can incorporate her findings into my content. Any reference to her work is done with full consent. Anders Krab-Johansen has been the CEO and Publisher (Koncernchef og Udgiver) of Berlingske Media since 2017. Before joining Berlingske, he served as CEO of Børsen. In his current role, he oversees the strategic direction and daily operations of Berlingske Media, including its major publications such as Berlingske, B.T., Weekendavisen, and Euroinvestor. Christian Van Thillo, who led DPG Media as CEO for 30 years, stepped down in 2020 and now serves as the Executive Chairman of the Company’s Board of Directors. He continues to guide the company’s strategy, acquisition policy, and the overall development of its media brands. While Van Thillo provides high-level oversight, he is not involved in Berlingske Media’s day-to-day operations. Christian Van Thillo heads DPG Media, which has owned Berlingske Media since 2015. Anders Krab-Johansen manages the daily affairs of Berlingske Media, while Christian Van Thillo, as Executive Chairman of DPG Media, shapes the overall strategic direction of the parent company. Their connection is through DPG Media’s ownership, making both influential in guiding Berlingske Media’s future. Traditional banking services often become vulnerable or disrupted in times of conflict, such as the war in Gaza. Juice Financial’s digital infrastructure offers a more resilient alternative for secure financial transactions, even during crises. This capability allows uninterrupted financial flows in regions where instability might otherwise cripple traditional banking. Juice Financial’s solutions also enable the rapid distribution of emergency aid to civilians affected by conflict, refugees, and displaced persons. The ability to process fast digital payments ensures timely access to essential funds in crises, which can be crucial for survival in conflict zones. Van Thillo’s financial ties to Israel through Juice Financial raise significant concerns about the possible influence these connections might have on how Berlingske Media covers Israel-related topics. When a media owner has business interests in a particular country, it can affect the objectivity of the news coverage regarding that country’s political and military actions. This might explain why Berlingske Media tends to present a positive image of Israel or refrains from offering critical coverage, particularly concerning sensitive issues like the war in Gaza. These financial and strategic connections suggest that editorial decisions may not always be as independent as the public assumes. For Danish citizens questioning Berlingske Media’s biased coverage of the conflict in Gaza, it’s essential to look beyond the headlines and examine the ownership and financial interests behind the media house. Emmanuel Van Thillo’s involvement with Juice Financial and his ties to Israel’s fintech sector offer a troubling explanation for Berlingske Media’s editorial choices. These connections are not just a business matter—they represent a dangerous intertwining of financial power and media influence, with far-reaching consequences for the public’s understanding of complex geopolitical issues. Frede Vad and other pro-Israel advocates are featured prominently in Berlingske’s opinion pieces and articles, signaling a possible broader agenda that promotes a singular narrative about Israel’s actions. Even more alarming is the involvement of Denmark’s Social Democrats, led by Mette Frederiksen, whose visit to Netanyahu during the COVID-19 pandemic suggests a close, potentially compromising relationship. This overlap of political, financial, and media interests creates an environment where public perception is manipulated to serve particular strategic goals, rather than delivering balanced journalism. This raises serious concerns about the integrity of the news we consume. When financial interests shape editorial coverage, the public is left with a skewed, one-sided narrative that benefits powerful individuals and groups at the expense of truth. Berlingske Media’s ownership by DPG Media, led by Van Thillo, and his business ties to Israel suggest a concerted effort to suppress critical voices and distort the reality of conflicts like the war in Gaza. The intertwining of financial interests, political power, and media control should be a wake-up call to all Danish citizens. This is not just about biased reporting but the potential manipulation of an entire nation’s perspective on global conflicts. It’s a reminder that we must be critical of the information we are fed, for it may be designed not to inform but to shape our beliefs and policies in ways that serve hidden interests. The owners of Berlingske and their side activities, such as serving on boards of companies like Juice Financial, which handles mobile wage transfers from other parts of the world, are certainly intriguing. Juice Financial, with offices in New York and Israel, could potentially be used to channel funds and support. So why isn’t the Danish press digging into these connections? Instead, they seem more interested in sneaky methods and breaking the rules when their self-image is threatened. Wouldn’t it be fitting for them to follow the suitable trails? Here we are, where it only becomes serious when settlers with dual citizenship move in, clearing the way with bulldozers as Palestinians are forced to leave. Regardless of their feelings, there’s a huge issue here. They attack those who dare to speak out – from the director, they got fired from Folkemødet to Nobel Peace Prize nominees like Bisan Odwa. They fight against any critical voice and work hard to have state funding removed from MS and other vital organizations. I want to refer to the defence argument used by Berlingske’s opinion editor in *Presselogen* when she compared MKN to the Blekingegade gang. When questioned, she responded: “It’s just my opinion”—look up the word. She had prepared that at home—so moving forward, anyone can use that excuse when confronted with derogatory comparisons! The owners of Berlingske, with their roles in companies like Juice Financial, which handles mobile wage transfers globally, raise important questions. Juice Financial, with offices in New York and Israel, could potentially channel funds and support. So why isn’t the Danish press investigating these connections? Instead, they seem more focused on using manipulative tactics when their self-image is threatened. The situation becomes grave when settlers with dual citizenship use bulldozers to displace Palestinians. But the bigger issue is how Berlingske attacks anyone who dares to speak out, from the director they ousted at Folkemødet to Peace Prize nominees like Bisan Odwa. They work hard to silence critical voices and strip funding from organizations like MS. As seen in Presselogen when the editor compared MKN to the Blekingegade gang, Berlingske’s editorial defence shows their strategy. Her response—”It’s just my opinion”—was prepared. Moving forward, anyone can excuse derogatory comparisons with that phrase. This manipulation hurts figures like Anders Krab-Johansen, impacted by the growing scrutiny and criticism of Berlingske’s actions and connections. Anders is a trained journalist, so, given his background in journalism, he should have conducted his investigation instead of writing to Pia. Rather than defending his interests, he should have approached the matter with journalistic integrity and returned with the facts. This would have been a more appropriate response to the important issues being raised. https://journalisten.dk/b-t-medarbejdere-erklaerer-mistillid-til-anders-krab-johansen/ https://finans.dk/erhverv/ECE16869604/de-borgerlige-har-tabt-sproget-og-magten/ https://www.facebook.com/reel/1668867156988446?locale=da_DK https://www.tjekdet.dk/faktatjek/frederik-vad-gav-forkerte-oplysninger-fra-folketingets-talerstol?fbclid=IwY2xjawFRnhZleHRuA2FlbQIxMAABHRPlq0lw6QpTTLiwSbxN-XQVODXEuL4ix7Mk38u9y_h78Ih2A0rHAYvLaA_aem_tH92xf7hxB4LOPVHnGofKw https://www.information.dk/debat/2024/04/socialdemokratiets-frederik-vad-misbruger-rapport-vise-herskerattitude?kupon=eyJpYXQiOjE3MTI5ODg2NzcsInN1YiI6IjM1MTk4OjgxOTEzNyJ9.qP3yfDr4uY44yP22-CDRiQ&fbclid=IwY2xjawFRnmhleHRuA2FlbQIxMAABHXUnZEoe2q3llx5AYg-gFf-jwlLE5C4gY4ndFAL7Hzd0ZUIBWUcTeTKs8w_aem_TBYikY9Ajsqo49JSBT9jKA Also read the way the info are manipulated. https://www.instagram.com/stories/highlights/18039913031006405/ BERLINGSKE ADMIDS THEIR BIASED WORK Op mod 1000 såkaldte “allierede” skal proaktivt være med til at pleje Israels politiske interesser gennem bl.a. positive budskaber i medierne og via støttedemonstrationer, skriver Berlingske Tidende. Den israelske ambassadør, Arthur Avnon, skal ifølge det israelske dagblad Haaretz levere en liste med 1000 navngivne danskere, når de europæiske ambassadører holder konference i udenrigsministeriet i Jerusalem den 16. januar. Det er den kontroversielle israelske udenrigsminister Avigdor Lieberman, der har ønsket en PR-kampagne i udvalgte europæiske lande for at forbedre Israels anseelse. Ud over Danmark er det bl.a. Storbritannien, Italien, Frankrig, Spanien, Tyskland, Holland og Norge, som i sidste uge modtog en fax, der udstikker de basale retningslinjer i den nye kampagne. Ifølge Haaretz har den israelske udenrigsminister personligt lagt stor vægt på den nye kampagne, og af samme grund er PR-budgetterne på de udvalgte ambassader blevet fordoblet i 2011, skriver avisen. De agitatorer, der skal hjælpe med at gennemføre den israelske kampagne, skal findes blandt journalister og politikere, blandt aktivister i det akademiske miljø og blandt studenterorganisationer samt blandt medlemmer af de jødiske samfund og aktivister i kristne organisationer. — Ritzau Up to 1,000 so-called “allies” are expected to proactively promote Israel’s political interests through positive messaging in the media and via support demonstrations, according to Berlingske Tidende. Israeli ambassador Arthur Avnon is expected to provide a list of 1,000 named Danes when European ambassadors hold a conference at the Foreign Ministry in Jerusalem on January 16, according to the Israeli newspaper Haaretz. It is the controversial Israeli Foreign Minister Avigdor Lieberman who has pushed for a PR campaign in selected European countries to improve Israel’s image. In addition to Denmark, the campaign targets countries such as the United Kingdom, Italy, France, Spain, Germany, the Netherlands, and Norway, which last week received a fax outlining the basic guidelines for the new campaign. According to Haaretz, the Israeli foreign minister has personally emphasized the importance of this campaign, and as a result, PR budgets for selected embassies were doubled in 2011, the paper reports. The agitators helping to carry out Israel’s campaign will be found among journalists and politicians, activists in academic circles, student organizations, and members of Jewish communities, as well as Christian organization activists. — Ritzau This report serves as a perfect example of Israel’s strategy to hire people to frame Israel positively in the media. It reveals how journalists and politicians are being invited and paid for trips to Israel, contributing to shaping public opinion in favor of Israel. https://www.ekkofilm.dk/artikler/avis-fjerner-kritik-af-israel-venlig-redaktor/ https://www.information.dk/debat/2024/06/betalte-rejser-israel-journalister-debattoerer-undergraver-pressens-trovaerdighedWHISTLEBLOWER ALERT
The truth is under siege, and unless we question these connections, we risk losing the very essence of free and independent journalism.
Danish Version:
Særligt Israel-venlige danskere skal i den kommende tid rekrutteres som meningsagenter for staten Israel.
English Translation:
Pro-Israel Danes are set to be recruited as opinion agents for the state of Israel in the coming period.